Astor Forest Property Owners Association

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The AFPOA is a non-profit, community organization. Property owners in the Astor Forest Campsites qualify for voting membership in the association. Renters can also join as associate members, but only property owners have voting status. The organization's mission is to sustain a safe and healthy environment for the residents of our community. Dues and community activities help the AFPOA fund and maintain the AFPOA Clubhouse as well as the Blue Creek park area and boat ramp (properties owned by the association). We are also committed to working with other community organizations and Lake County to acquire capital improvements (roads, lights, sidewalks, and upkeep of public facilities) and to develop closer relationships with Lake County Fire and Sheriff Departments. To join the AFPOA, please complete the application and send it, with a check, to the address above. Dues are $35.00 (due January of each year). Please include your email so that we can provide you with timely updates and notifications.


Membership Application Year:
*Resident or Owner Name:
First Name Last Name
Resident or Owner Name:
Astor Address:
Mailing Address if different:
Work Phone:
Home Phone:
Mobile Phone:
* Password:
* Email:
Membership Level:

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